La Soupe’s 2023 Impact :

  • 1.3M pounds rescued from the landfill/donated

  • 1.1M servings transformed and shared with agencies across Cincinnati

  • 15,000 hours contributed by volunteers

  • 83 zip codes received nourishing fresh and frozen meals and soups

  • 2,000 students engaged in meaningful culinary experiences

  • 7,000 Medically Tailored Meals distributed to patients requiring diabetes or heart healthy meals

  • 4 Network Partners launched or scaled their Rescue Kitchens outside Cincinnati to Rescue, Transform, and Share with their communities


Our chef based model utilizes our volunteer network to rescue perishables from farms, grocers and wholesalers. Our highly talented transform team of chefs and volunteers transform this food into healthy soupes and meals. Our soupes and meals are distributed to roughly 150 share partners that feed the food insecure and are available to purchase at our retail storefront. We have a well established program of rescuing prepared overages from restaurants and catering and deliver directly to agencies that feed the hungry.

What sets La Soupe apart?

  • La Soupe is a Board of Health Certified kitchen and everything that we rescue is weighed and logged before it is sorted. We also keep track of everything that our share partners receive.

  • La Soupe takes the workload off the receiving agency by sorting in house. This allows us to transform the slightly imperfect produce and give the perfectly good produce to share partners “as is" with an understanding of the cultural differences that make our city so wonderful.

  • We compost everything that is not fit for human consumption. Before we throw anything into the landfill, we give to both pig farmers and the wolf sanctuary.


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Store Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:30am-4pm

Saturday CLOSED


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