We are grateful for the immense outpouring of support we have received from our donors in 2023 and FY2024. Your contributions, both financial and in-kind, have played an integral role in growing our programming and operations. Our mission is continuously made possible because of your giving spirit and leadership. Thank you for choosing to invest in La Soupe’s mission to rescue, transform, and share with neighbors in need. Read about the difference you are making in our 2024 Impact Report.

* Thank you to these supporters who invested in the basement expansion allowing us to double our impact by FY26.


Doug and Sheila Bray*
L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation
Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trust, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee*


$100,000 - $249,00

Bob and Jeanne Coughlin Foundation
Charles H. Dater Foundation
John J. & Mary R. Schiff Foundation

The Joe Burrow Foundation*
The Farmer Family Foundation*
The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation*

$50,000 - $99,999

Adam R. Scripps Fund
Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation
City of Cincinnati*
Friedlander Family Fund*
H.B., E.W. & F. R. Luther Charitable Foundation
Hamilton County

The John A. Schroth Family Charitable Trust
The PNC Bank Charitable Trusts
Ruth J. and Robert A. Conway Foundation, Inc.
SugarCreek Packing Co.*
Western & Southern Financial*

$25,000 - $49,999


The Campbell Soup Foundation
The Bell Charitable Foundation
Margaret and Joseph Conway
Freestore Foodbank
Harold C. Schott Foundation
Miller Family Fund

Julie and John Richardson
Mary Ruth and Robert Smyjunas
The Sutphin Family Foundation
The Amy & George Joseph Fund
Unnewehr Family Foundation

$15,000 - $24,999


First Lady's Charitable Foundation
Kent State
Peter and Laura Klekamp
Joseph and Susan Pichler

Carl Rhodes and Lori Luchtman-Jones
Rhonda Sheakley
Tisdel Distributing

$10,000 - $14,999


Kelly and Timothy Brown
Buckingham Foundation
Cambridge Charitable Foundation / Barry F. Smith Family Fund, Connor M. Smith, Evan T. Smith, Minda Matthews-Smith
Chemed Foundation
Kathleen Conway Bell
John D’Sa
Deaconess Association Incorporated
Patricia Diersing
Dyer Family Charitable Foundation
Fifth Third Bank

Tom and Jan Hardy
Isaac M. Wise Temple
Melissa and Scott Kadish
Paul and Laura Kitzmiller
Andrew Light and Lisa Jensen
Carolyn and Kevin Martin
Lauren and Tom Shafer
The Stuhlreyer Family Charitable Fund
The Vista Foundation
YOT Full Circle Foundation

$5,000 - $9,999


AOL Giving
Bailey Lamson Family Foundation
Baird Trust Company
Michael and Elizabeth Caudill
Cynthia Crilley
Dance with Your Heart, Inc
Douglas and Betty Dechert
Jim and Kim Dechert
Elsa Heisel Sule Foundation
Galvin Family Fund
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Heidt Family Foundation
Jon and Idit Isaacsohn
JC Foundation, Inc
Jack in the Box Foundation
Jake and Jeanne Sweeney Foundation
Jeff Ruby Foundation
Lisa Jensen

John and Susan Lame
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Marcy Johnson
Earl and Julie Kehres
Newman’s Own Foundation
Mary and Robert Orben
Chris Painter
Paycor, Inc.
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Alan and Monica Riney
Stephen Riney
Kathy Robinson
TAS Foundation
The Gorilla Glue Company, LLC
The Oliver Family Foundation
Trilogy Fitness Systems
Kelly and Guy Vanasse
Richard and Vanessa Wayne
Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation

$2,500 - $4,999


American Endowment Foundation
Steve and Sandra Amoils
Kathryn and J.R. Anderson
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Michael Bishop
Adam and Holly Bortz
Neil Bortz and Susan Myers
Michael Burke
Charities Aid Foundation America
Jon Corcoran
Kelly Daniels
Denier Electric Co., Inc.
Christopher and Kathleen Devine
Enterprise Mobility Foundation
First Financial Bank
John and Pamela Gibson
Leigh and Dan Gorman
Graham Edwin & Sharon Janosik Mitchell Foundation
Francis and Dorothy Grossi
Hamilton County R3Source
Rodney and Susanne Heiligmann
Meg and Christopher Hopple
Terrence and Heather Howe
Indian Hill Garden Club
Jens G Rosenkrantz Charitable Fund
Nancy Jones
Jack and Megan Joy
Ellen Kantor-Knue and Mark Knue
Julie and Rick Kantor

David and Kathy Leugers
Carl H. and Martha Lindner
Sherie Marek
Tyler and Stephanie McMullen
Mark Mitchell and Abby Miller
Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church
Diana and David O'Brien
Kathleen and William Ossman
Ethan and Susan Pagliaro
Jane and Robert Portman
Rodney Prince
Dee Riney
Moe and Jack Rouse
Kathy Schmitt
Bob and Suzanne Simala
David and Andrea Singer
Stephen and Barbara Smith
Melanie Swick and Matthew Schottlekotte
Bill and Cathy Taylor
The McIlwraith Family Charitable Fund
Joshua Tripp
Turner Farm Foundation Inc.
Susie Tweddell
Uday & Nandita Sheth Family Fund
Russ and Petra Vester
Nancy and Scott Wandtke
Joseph White
William Groneman & Maureen Flanagan Charitable Fund
Judy and Joe Williams
Michael and Barbara Wood
Woodburn Exchange

$1,000 - $2,499


All Occasions Event Rental
Stefan and Kerrin Antonsson
Armstrong Chapel UMC
Diana Avril
Eileen and John Barrett
Barb and Bob Becker
Nora Beckmann
Stephen Black
Rebecca and Michael
Jaqualine Brumm
Carolyn Burke
Julie Burwinkel
Cardinal Pacelli PTO
Thomas Carney
Jon and Randi Chaiken
Virgil Clark Sole
Molly Johnson
Stephen Cole Carothers
Sheila Conway
Bill and Paula Cordes
Bill and Caroline Cox
Alexander Cozzini
Jennifer Crandall
Rebecca Cunningham
John Dallman and Kathleen Whelan
Troy DeBord
Janice Denton
Designer Donations
Mike and Fran Dewine
Amy Diamond and Eddie Wolf
Larry and Tracy DiGennaro
Mary Beth and Tom Donelan
Connie and Buzz Dow
Greta and Jason Worms Elenbaas
Bryan Evenson
Nancy Feldman
Sally Fenner
Patricia and Andrew Filak
Roberta Fisher
Berkley Gehring
Gift4Giving Program
Barbara Gould
Todd Graff
Cheryl Grannan
The Griffith Family Charitable Fund
Jeff Groenke and Nancy Swanson
Louis and Beth Guttman
Daniel and Arla Hammer
Patti & Fred Heldman
Franklin Hicks
Margaret Hogan
Horizon Community Funds
Ralph Isaacs and Tina Kaminsky
Abdullah Issa Chtewi
Thaddeus and Anne Jaroszewicz
Jewish Federation Cincinnati
Craig Joffe and Lucy Haverland
Michael John
Ann and Ann Johnston
Kathryn Johnston

Jay and Shirley Joyce
Kristen Kamfjord
Emerson and Margaret Knowles
Kroger Community Rewards
Mary Lou Krohn
Susan and Kevin Kushman
Dan Larson
Spencer and Barbara Liles
Robert Lynch
Jarrod McCarroll
Mark and Christine Middlekamp
Amy Miller
Scott Miller and Lori Murphy
Steve and Jennifer Millman
Regina Minor
Miramar Charitable Foundation
Carol Monson
Frederic and Susan Mosher
National Philanthropic Trust
Nancy O'Connor
Jeffrey Peppet
Preston Cates Fund
Primedge, Inc.
Suzanne Quinn
John and Judy Racadio
Douglas Rennie
Robert and Kitsa Rhoad
Richard D. Hannan Family Foundation
Michael and Remy Riney
Diane and Bill Rumpke
Saul Schottenstein Foundation B
William and Carol Schmidter
Donald Schrantz
Mamie Schroder
Marguerite and Kenneth Shoop
Jerry and Elizabeth Shroat
Keith Siereveld
David and Kristin Skidmore
Doug Skidmore
Gil Spencer
Jeffery Stambough
Stifel Charitable Inc
Laura Striker
Nancy Sullivan
John Tew
The Ragland Family Foundation
The Ridgeway Foundation
The Summit Hotel
Anness Family Fund
The Warren and Bernice Hensel Foundation
Becky Tucker
VP Media LLC
Anne Warrington Wilson
George Warrington
Jenny Watts
Ky and Martha Webb
James Wersching and Tracy McCafferty
Willow Hills Foundation
WOW Windowboxes
Gordon and Susan Wright
Patricia and Robert Zesch

$500 - $999


Laurie Acklen
Lisa Allen
Kadi and Jeff Anderson
Melissa Anderson
Laurie and Mike Ashwell
Patricia Baas
Penelope Bach
Barbara Blum
Tiffany Bultema
Aaron Burkhardt
Michel Callahan
James and Susan Calvetti
Michael Carrico
Catalina Marketing Charitable Foundation
Kim Chiodi
Cincinnati Country Day School PA
Cincinnati Museum Center
Edward Cloughessy
Donna Coffey
Michael Dechert
June Dineen
Charles Doan and Susan Garrison Doan
Patrick and Patty Donnelly
Edward Jones Charitable Gift Fund
Cristina Egbert
Jacqueline and Charles Eliasen
Larry Ezell
Rhoda Ezell
Richard and Julie Fairbanks
Richard and Maureen Finn
Sharon Fiscus
Michael and Suzette Fisher
Dorothy and Quintin Foster
Lynne Friedlander and Jay Crawford
Kelly and Andrew Fruechtemeyer
Linda Girbert
Brian Gruber
Patrick Hague
Matthew Hambleton
Martha Hanna
Harris & Eliza Kempner Fund
Craig and Linda Hayden
Heidelberg Distributing Dayton
Paula Hensley
Robert and Marilyn Herring
Sally Hext
Hughes Foundation
iGift Fund
Jim Irvine
Virginia Ittenbach
J. Cromer Mashburn Family Foundation
J.M.Smucker Co.
Joel Osterman Charitable Fund
Gary and Peggy Johns
Johnson & Johnson Foundation
Drew Johnson
Peter Jongen
Joseph Callahan & Associates, LLC
Geoff and Betsy Keenan
Kemba Credit Union
Kim & Gary Heiman Family Foundation
Jeff Kinney and Rebecca Bourett
Catherine Kneidl
Al Kovacic
Teresa Kraimer
Mike Larosa
Lynda Lee
Theresa Lemmerman
Susan Lippa
Rob Lockwood

Hannah Lowen
Anne and Paul Lucky
Candace MacDonald
Magnified Giving
Catherine and Brian Major
Bob and Marty Mayer
Howard Mayer
Janey McClain
Kathryn McCord
James McGoff
Richard and Angela McKenzie
Thomas McLaughlin
Jenny Meiners
Jeffrey Meurer
Philip Meyers
Beth and Steve Maguire Mountjoy
Charles and Stephanie Neffle
Marsha Nunn
Sharon and Kelle Oliphant
William and Sarah Palmer
Kathryn Peterson
Pat Peterson
Russ Proctor
Dirk Pruis and Kathleen MacQueeney
Laura Randall
Raymond James Charitable
Charlotte Reed
Kenneth Revelson
Jonathan Ricciuto
Gordon Rich
Gareth Richards
Robinson Family Philanthropic Fund
Erica Roodhouse
Carol Scallan
Chris and Julie Schaber
Diane and Gregory Schneider
Schneller Charity Fund
William Schneller
Ruth Schwallie
Barbara Seiver
Jeffrey Shutte
Joanne Sloneker
Janet Smith
Robyn Smith
Kelly Soller
Janet and James Steiner
Joann Strong
Tad D. and Holly Krafft Family Fund
Dr. Janet A Borcherding & Ms. Christine Heck
The Chevalier
The GE Foundation
Michael Thomas
Ronald and Arleigh Tysoe
Denise Vajen
Kinnerly Valenti
Sipke and Yhje Verbeek
Philip and Barbara Vollmer
Kathleen and Lee Vonderhaar
Ivory Ward
Karen and Carl Wasson
Renee Weber
Ross Webster
Jerri Wentz
William & Jaralyn Barett
Wendy Wilson
Lennie and Deborah Wyatt
Yarrish Family Fund

$250 - $499


James Adams
David and Elisa Alspaugh
James Amelang
Eileen Austria
Mickey Badaracca
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Emily Barcelona
Arohanui Bender
Lee Benmlouka
Michael and Cheryl Berkel
Tina and Tom Bernheimer
Jeffrey and Agnes Nicholas Berry
Tom Bobenread
Thomas and Diane Bollinger
Joan and James Bonaminio
Sheri Brethel
Brian and Karen Brewer
Holly Bridgers
Stacey Browning
Barbara Bryans
Jeff Burroughs
Ed and Nancy Ciarniello
Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship
Amanda Cook
Richard Cropper
Polly Cross
Shawn Crowley
Michelle Curley
David and Megan Okun
Rajah and Ceci David
Dayton Foundation
Lisa Dayton
Charles Deidesheimer
Paul Duplace
Aaron Eisel and Julie Hanser
Elizabeth Engelhardt
Philip and Karen Etling
Jarod Fey
Layne Flick
Mary Foster Stewart
Marjorie Fryxell
Jane Garvey
Gary Gerken and Mary McGoff-Gerken
Melinda Gilbert
Beverly and Timothy Gill
Greg Greiwe
Frank Grossi
David Gruber
Richard Harris
Alida and John Hart
Erik and Aishlin Hassan
Brody Haydel
Theresa Hirschauer
Ronald and Stephanie Holbrook
Rachel Hopkins and Hannah Darton
Hubbard Radio Cincinnati
Jonathan (JJ) Hutcheson
Julia Jackson
Nathan and Barbara Jackson
Stephanie Johnson
Brigid Kelly
Mark King
Denise Koesterman
George Koesterman
Sandra Kohn
Langenbahn Family Gift Fund
Gerald and MaryElizabeth Leeper
Gregory and Amanda Leszczuk

Peter Levick
Scott Lindsten
Steven and Kimberly Long
Frederic Madelaine
Tyler Marshall
Glen and Lynn Mayfield
Kathleen and Thane Maynard
Mary Christine and David McCarley
Karen McFarland
Roxanne Medina-Fulcher
Merck Foundation Cybergrants
Elaine Miller
Judy Miracle and Bernie Bissmeyer
Richard Moore
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
Susan Morris
Linda Moy
Scott Nelson
Network For Good
Michael Pardo
Kim Pendery
Paul and Robin Pendery
Sandra Perry
Dr. Stephen J. and Penny Pomeranz
William and Jan Portman
Raechel Powell
Jennifer Ratterman
Meme Rebholz
Monica Reynolds
Rhinegeist Brewery
Maureen Riopelle
Jeanette and Barry Rost
Shelley Rudisill
Tim and Sia Ruppert
Alice Ryan
Patrice Ryan
Paul Schaff
Dirk Schneider
Christine Schroder
Stacey Schultz
Ida & Patrick Sepate
Jacob Shidler
Nancy Silbernagel
Michelle Simon
Robert Smyth
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Spanbauer
Shelley Stein
Anny Stevens-Gleason
Janice Sudkamp
Paul Sullivan
Linda Tache
Margaret Terrett
Gregory Thomson
Vickie Thornton
Karen Thorp
TruePoint, Inc
University of Cincinnati Engineering Tribunal
Eric Vespierre
Suzanne Voos
Robert and Diane Weidner
Amy and Stephen Whitlatch
Christina Williams
John and Christine Willig
Elizabeth and Frank Wilson
Karen and Karen Wirthlin
Patti Wuennemann
Jody Yetzer and Alexander Kayne
Anna Zeilman

$100 - $249


David and Nancy Aichholz
Julie Albright
American Securities Foundation
Robert Arkeilpane
Mike and Diane Arnold
Laura Atkinson
Ault Park Garden Club
Todd and Ann Bailey
Megan Balterman
Sheryl Barker
Scott Barngrover
Barraco Culinary LLC
Janice Baughman
Marjie Becus
Elizabeth and Patrick Beirne
Patrice Bisogni
Beverly Bodin
Bonem Family Charitable Fund
Steven Bourret
Jeffrey Boyle
Rita Bradley
Lorie Brengelman
Vicki Bricker
Rhoda Brooks
Harold and Kathleen Brosnan
Rebecca Brown
Tina and William Broyles
Diane Bruegge
Jennifer Brunette
Ed Burcher
Richard Burdine
Anne Burke
Timothy and Patricia Burke
JB Buse
Nora Buzek
Randy Cain
Richard and Rebecca Calladonato
Sheri Callaghan
Calvary Episcopal Church
Terry Carroll
Susana Cerna
Robert and Nicole Chicvak
Rita Christensen
Pat Ciccarella
Blaine Clark
Joan Colangelo
Michael Colangelo
Dianna Coley
Steve and Laura Colston
Julie Cordier
Mary Ann Coulson
Karen Crane
Adam and Kelly Crow
JoAnne Cummings
Patrick Cusick
Rob Daly
Leslie Davis
Theresa Dell
Cheryl Derrick
Carol and George Dettenwanger
Tina Disanto
Christopher Dixon
Susan Dlott
Annemarie Domizio
Michael and Carol Dowling
Tracy Jo Duckworth
Daniel and Beth Dugan
Charles Duncan
Petcare Animal Hospital
Thomas Eastman
Lisa Elliott
Sarah Engstrand
Randee and Gavin Estes
Sally Evans
Leslie Evelo
Kathy Fangman
Angelo Fasano
Bijan Fayaz
Mark and Nancy Findley
James Fitzgerald
George and Mary Forte
Jeff Fossitt
Donald and Antoinette Fraser
Vallie Freeman
John Funke
Patrick and Pamela Gilles
Mary Winn Godar
Angela Golden
Kirk and Lois Golding
Michael Gorretta
John Grantham
Hillary Griffin
Greg and Viki Grimme
Donald Gruber
Mr & Mrs. Gusweiler
Angela Haeufle
Ellen Hall
Charles Hanson
Kathleen Hart
Jonathan Hartman
Toby Hazen
Shannel Heath
Jane and Richard Hegstrom
John and Susan Hepfinger
Ailleen Heras-Herzig and Ronald Herzig
Catherine Herring
Laura Heuer
Rebecca Hildebrandt
Samuel WIlliam Hitch
Jane Hoffmann
Theresa Hofstetter
Tim Hollenkamp
Christy Holmes
Larry Holt
Roger and Nancy Hopkins-Greene
Doug and Denise Howe
Erika and Michael Hoyord
James and Robin Huizenga
Ingage Partners
Ronald and Jane Jandacek
Michael John
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program
Campbell Jolly
Noel Julnes-Dehner
Emily Kennedy
Dean and Anne Kereiakes
Wendy and Jim Kestner
Craig and Patricia Knapp
Lelia and James Kramer
Christine and Scott Kroencke
Susan Lally
Laurence and Judith Laning
Susan and Lance Layman
Marybeth Leeper
Antonio Leopizzi and Saskia Reilly
William Leugers

Lindsey Levental
Elizabeth Levy
Linda and Russell Augustine Lewis
GH and GD Lippold and JL Ater
Pat Long
Wendi Lopez
William and Judith Lubbers
Richard and Donna Lucal
Brian and Betsy MacConnell
Kathleen MacQueeney and Dirk Pruis
Alicia Mancini
Barbara and Ulysses Marin
Brittany Marsh
Ted Martin
Kathleen Matthews
Jennifer and Brian McCluskey
Matthew McConville
Andrew and Barbara McCoy
Sean McGee
Jane B Meranus
Bob and Debbie Miller
Sonia Milrod
Steve Mitrione
Shawn Moorman
Mark Morgan
Jacob Moskovich
Russell and Kathleen Murphy
Barbara Mustard
Malcom and Rebecca Myers
Aileen Nebel and Elizabeth Nicodemus
Kathryn Nelson Murphy
John Nerone and Ivy Glennon
North East Welcomers
Christine O Connor
Cynthia O'Connor
Steve and Kathy Olding
Lou Olenick
John and John Ondeck
Martha Orabella
Christopher and Julie Orben
Brian Ormond
Dorothy Osterhage
Laura and Wayne Page
Greg and Donna Park
Robert Pater
Steven and Leslie Pavelka
Robert Pawlowski
Gary Pekoe
John and Eileen Piening
Ashleigh Pierce
Elizabeth Pierce
Chris Pinelo
Mike and Molly Poling
Regina Pratt
Tom and Ruthie Price
Michael Privitera
Carol Purnell
Beverly and Perry Ralenkotter
Greg Rechtin
Anna Rengering
Ted and Patricia Renneker
Carol Rentschler
Louis Retzner
Holly Risch
Katie Robertshaw
Kenneth Roenker
Richard and Julie Roettker
Maria Rother
Michael and Rose Marie Rozzano
Mary Rust
Cassandra Saines
Robert and Carolyn Salter
Ann and Harry Santen
Chris Schoenberger
Emmy Schroder
Lauren Schroder
Sally Schroder
Meg Schroeder
Kerri and Dave Schuman
Michael and Robin Schwanekamp
Wilbert and Jean Schwartz
Ridgway Scott
Judith Seaman
Ann Segal and Jerry Malsh
Mark Shanks
Terry and Joan Sheehan
Zach Shepard
Terrance and Carol Shumrick
Christine Simeone
Simon & Slack Charitable Fund
Isabel Simon
Brad Smith
Lori and Darrin Smith
Margaret and Karl Smith
Kristin Sneider
Jan Snell
Sound Bites Nutrition
Dan Stauft
Lauri Steel
Colin Stevenson
James and Marion Stickle
Dee Stone
Ann Stromberg
Mary Strubbe
Nancy and Robert Talbott
Peter and Pamela Tamborski
TD Ameritrade Clearing
Curt and Debbie Terry
The Seven Hills School
Andrew and Elizabeth Thompson
Brenda and Morley Thompson
Taunja Thomson
Allison Thornton
TisBest Philanthropy
Lisa Tom
Courtney Tornow
Kimberly Trach
Nancy & Terry Trago
Tribute Gift Foundation, Inc.
Deborah Ulrich
Douglas Vaal and Mary K.
Mary VanAusdall
Michele Vollman
Tom and Kristin Ward
Erik and Marianne Waterkotte
Stephanie and Mike Waugh
Debbie and Dick Westheimer
Tom and Brenda Wimberg
Kathy and Bill Winters
Nancy Witte
WO Consulting Inc
Terri Wood
Clifford Young
Michele Young
Ben Younts
Jerome Zang


Every effort was made to ensure accuracy in our Honor Roll of Donors, but sometimes unintentional errors occur. Please contact our Development Team at or 513-271-0100 to report any issues.